Importance of hair combs as hotel amenity

amenities for hotels, spa, boutiques
4.7/5 - (3 votes)

A few years ago I traveled to Mexico City to request my student visa. At that time, young with the school classes, getting the money and documents, nervous because I didn’t know if my visa would be approved or not. I had to buy the flight tickets soon because I was in the deadline to send all the information to the school, etc. With all that in my back I made my suitcase and I traveled to the big Mexico City.

I arrived to my hotel and all tired went to sleep. The next day I started to be ready, took a shower and I was almost done and then suddenly I realized that I FORGOT MY HAIR BRUSH at home, in a very important day for me, where I’m going to be taken a picture for my visa showing it in the old continent. In the hotel they didn’t sell any and no store around, so I did my best and went to my appointment. I came out DISHEVELED in the photo but with my visa approved. Still I don’t like that picture!

Hair combs for amenities

The hair comb it is a basic amenity but at the same time, essential. It is true that 5 stars hotels offer such a good amenities that make you go back more than one time, a hotel of 3 or 4 stars could invest in a good supplier of hotel amenities of hair, beard and mustache comb to give that extra to their guests and they will see the proven return of their investment in excellent reviews and a higher rate of bookings.

Beka Combs (Peines Beka) have the best quality and a big diversity in hair combs and also beard and mustache combs. Even for Airbnb works excellent, just imagine the fantastic reviews and comments in your website for welcoming your guests with a high quality hair comb.

The hair brush is one of the 10 personal products that a travelers forget more often. If you have it there as an amenity or for sale in your resort or inn, with this nice paper bag retro style, that makes it look very interesting, it causes to take it everywhere you go during your trip.

Forgetful travelers like me will thank you for thinking about us.

If you are an owner/ manager of hotels, airbnb, boutiques, etc and you want to pamper your guests with a high grade hair comb at a very affordable price, let Beka Combs (Peines Beka) be your hotel amenities supplier.

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